Do you dream about a day when you'll no longer experience digestive discomfort or need to turn to medications that are merely a bandaid?

What if I told you that I could help you get to the root cause of your digestive distress and help you say goodbye to discomfort and laxatives for good?

I have helped hundreds of clients improve digestion, regulate bowel movements, improve their relationship with food, so they can enjoy life more!

By the end of this self-paced course, you will:

  • Understand how digestion works and the things you may be doing that are unknowingly having a negative impact on your digestive health
  • Know simple habit changes that can make things run more smoothly
  • Be able to make food swaps to keep your tummy happy
  • Know how to reduce inflammation and support healing for a happier gut and a healthier you
  • Learn about natural and gentle alternatives to harsh antacids and laxatives
  • Be on the road to getting rid of your digestive distress

This course is for you if:

  • You're struggling with gas, bloating, and discomfort
  • You're having bowel movements less than once per day
  • You’re taking a ton of over-the-counter medications to mask your uncomfortable symptoms
  • You don't know what to eat and you're looking for a better way to nourish your body and just feel better
  • You want to be able to eat things you enjoy with feeling uncomfortable for hours or even days
  • You have tried everything and your digestion is still not thriving
  • You’re a self-starter and you do well with a self-paced course and following an outline 
  • You want to get to the root cause!
  • You're ready to throw your laxatives in the trash
  • You are ready and willing to try new things and make small, sustainable habit changes to your routine

This course might NOT be for you if….

  • You have perfect digestion
  • You're looking for a quick fix
  • You're not open to making dietary changes
  • You need one-on-one coaching to thrive
  • You’re vegan or vegetarian - it still could definitely be beneficial, but please know that some of my suggestions include animal products
  • Diarrhea is your main concern - again this course can still help improve your overall digestive health, but if persistent, loose stools are your sole problem, you might not benefit from all of the recommendations
  • You’re a black-and-white thinker - we are all unique, so there won't always be one answer for every scenario. Sometimes it requires a little trial-and-error.
  • You want a meal plan and grocery list - I don't provide these, but I do provide recipe suggestions and other helpful resources

Choose a Pricing Option


Do I have to order a bunch of supplements?

No absolutely not! But I will have recommendations for some of my favorite supplements and you'll get 20% off any products you choose to order

Is the diet super boring? And do I have to give up all of the foods I love?

Nope! The diet is what you make it. I will have dietary suggestions regarding supportive foods to add in, and potentially disruptive foods to minimize or avoid, but in the end YOU get to decide what to eat

How long is the course?

It is self paced so it's up to you! However, there are achievable steps that you can start making right away!